Thursday, June 01, 2006

How's about an artsy update?

Hi everyone:

Well, since I got my vision restored, I've been working like crazy trying to get caught up. Wanna see what I've been working on?

This is a chunky book page that I've been working on. It's my first real attempt working on 4x4s and also my first time working on a chunky book page. So it was an adventure, and a lot of fun.

I had to make 12 of these, so the background papers and the torsos are all different on them. The faces are all the same, except for small variations in color, because I used milk paints (reconstituted with water rather than milk) and watercolors so the color wasn't consistant. I liked it though, it make for an interesting look.

The wings are made of muslin that I dyed and then painted with metallic paint.

Rolodex cards! Been altering them like a crazy woman too! The theme this month was a self portrait with contact info on the back. So, I made a larger, 6x6 of my self portrait (as seen below) then I shrunk it in psp and printed it out for the rolodex cards.

The title of the piece is "painting a self portrait" -- the gnome is an inside joke (Hi Gail!) unfortunately, everyone else who is receiving the cards probably won't get the joke. Oh well. It was a lot of fun to do.

My next project is to make 2 mini-books for another group I'm in. I've already begun this, I've cut the covers out of some very thick book cover stock, and have bound the cover. Now, I'm working on the inside pages.

These have been really challenging because I'm stepping outside of my box, having never really bound a book before, but, I feel like my work with the zines has really prepared me for things like that, so it's been fun and I've not felt too lost or overwhelmed, except for maybe by the list of things I've gotta get done!

Anyway, that's all for now. Remember, Shangri-La will be ready to ship tomorrow! YUM!


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