Friday, June 23, 2006

June 23, 2006: Time for some art...

I have been working like crazy to get myself all caught up with my various art projects that I've got going! Here are some recent pieces I've worked on...

The right is a scan of the cover of an altered book I made as a gift for a friend. The theme I chose was "Victorian Tea Journal" since we both have a passion for tea. The altered book is an accordian book -- yeah, I'm still not quite over my hesitancy to alter a 'real' book and chose a blank book to alter this time. I'm getting better though, and I learned so much throughout the journey of creating this book.

I'm going to show the rest of the pictures of the pages gallery style....

I guess I'll need to make another post for the rest of the pictures.... I'll try to plot this so that this post will be on top, and the other pictures will be below.... But... no promises!!!

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