Friday, January 23, 2009

I've been tagged! *And ENTER a Contest!!!*

Oh... dear... yeah... ok so you're going to understand my distress when you see my photo.

I've been tagged by Rosemary from Rosemary's Sampler and this particular tag is called a "6th picture Meme" tag.

For those of you who do not know what a 6th picture meme is... basically, you go to your picture file, and select the 6th folder. From the 6th folder, you are to select the 6th picture in the folder... that is the photo for the tag, and you're to write a bit about the story behind the photo to complete the tag.

However, since the 6th photo in the 6th folder of my Picture file happens to be art related, I've decided to switch this tag over to my Art Blog... so if you want to see the photo that has me distressed... and read the story behind it... you'll have to visit: My Art Blog!

IN THE MEANTIME... click here to enter this contest

That is all!


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